Hex Oscillator
Hey, who’s looking at this page in 2023? very very old circuits here!! Cute, but still sounds good!
This was one of the first things I made, inspired by Nic Collins’ fantastic book, Handmade Electronic Music. Seems so simple and quaint right now—but I remember vividly the day when Nic Collins lectured at my school, drawing circuits on the chalkboard—they were so arcane and mysterious!
This circuit hung out for a long time before finding a home in any box. I like to let the enclosure of a project influence its actual function rather than just look nice. Later that summer, a small wooden box with a sliding lid was given to me by my ex-girlfriend. The sliding lid could control how much light shined on top of the photocells. She found it inside a science classroom while working on the paint crew at my old school. The box label read, “9.9997 grams”, and it contained a glass weight which was indeed so-close-but-not-quite to 10 grams.
is that how much our love weighed?